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Kraken Dice complete list

Overview of all Kraken Dice dice.

table of contents

  1. Dwarven Craft
  2. Ethereal
  3. Fusion
  4. Iconic
  5. Iconic Metal
  6. Mystic
  7. Naked
  8. Pearl
  9. Semi Precious
  10. Signature
  11. Various
  12. complete list
  13. credits

Dwarven Craft

nameproduct codedescriptionpictureinfo
Black Chrome with Blue Numbers
Dwarven Craft
KD0119metallic black with blue numbersnew: 04 2018
Black Chrome with Green Numbers
Dwarven Craft
KD0120metallic black with green numbersnew: 04 2018
Black Chrome with Pink Numbers
Dwarven Craft
KD0121metallic black with pink numbersnew: 04 2018
Black Chrome with Red Numbers
Dwarven Craft
KD0118metallic black with red numbersnew: 04 2018
Black Chrome with Teal Numbers
Dwarven Craft
KDCHROMETEALmetallic black with teal numbers
Carved Cast Brass
Dwarven Craft
KD0056brass metal with brass numbers
Carved Cast Copper
Dwarven Craft
KD0057copper metal with copper numbers
Carved Cast Steel
Dwarven Craft
KD0058steel metal with steel numbers
Dwarven Brass
Dwarven Craft
KD0011brass with black numbers
Dwarven Copper
Dwarven Craft
KD0009copper with black numbers
Dwarven Steel
Dwarven Craft
KD0058steel with black numbers
Satin Titanium
Dwarven Craft
KD0091titanium with black numbers
Trial by Fire
Dwarven Craft
KD0045rainbow flame burnished with rainbow flame burnished numbers


category: Kraken Dice