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Pound-O-Dice bag

table of contents

  1. General
  2. Set overview
  3. Credits


The bag from the manufacturer Chessex is filled with about 100 dice.
It can be everything. Current, older, limited and also test colors and prototypes in all shapes and sizes.
A special set (also called mystery set) is included in an extra bag with every pound-o-dice.
since 2007
Since 2014
Since 2019

Set overview

Speckled since 2024

description picture info
inofficial name: Jawbreaker
white blue dark red speckled with blue numbers
new: 2023
wave 3

Speckled since 2023 (wave 2)

description picture info
inofficial name: Almond Blossom
light blue milky ocher yellow speckled with white numbers
new: 2023
wave 2
inofficial name: Lavender Fields
milky white purple speckled with white numbers
new: 2023
wave 2, idetical with Francis but white paint.
inofficial name: Ocean Gravel
milky light grey dark blue light blue yellow red blue speckled with blue numbers
new: 2023
wave 2;N/A in envelope. single dice.
inofficial name: Robin's egg
light blue milky ocher yellow speckled with black numbers
new: 2023
wave 2
inofficial name: Spicy Queso
milky yellow red light blue speckled with black numbers
new: 2023
wave 2
inofficial name: Wild berry slush
milky white red blue speckled with white numbers
new: 2023
wave 2

Speckled since 2023 (wave 1)

description picture info
inofficial name: Aquarium Gravel
milky light grey dark blue light blue yellow red blue speckled with white numbers
new: 2023
wave 1
inofficial name: Francis
milky white purple speckled with black numbers
new: 2023
wave 1, identical with Lavender Fields but black numbers.
inofficial name: Succotash
milky yellow red light blue speckled with white numbers
new: 2023
wave 1
inofficial name: Wild Berry Mix
milky white red blue speckled with silver numbers
new: 2023
wave 1

Speckled since 2021

description picture info
inofficial name: Fruit Parfait
milky white red olive green blue speckled with white numbers
new: 2021
inofficial name: Meadow
milky white light blue yellow orange green speckled with black numbers
new: 2021
inofficial name: Monet
milky white light blue yellow orange green speckled with black numbers
new: 2021
inofficial name: Sunflower
milky orange yellow white speckled with black numbers
new: 2021

Speckled since 2019

description picture info
inofficial name: Cinnamon Apple
milky red orange purple green speckled with white numbers
new: 2019
inofficial name: Cinnamon Sugar
milky brown blue speckled with gold numbers
new: 2019
inofficial name: Confetti Cake
milky pink blue yellow speckled with white numbers
new: 2019
inofficial name: Cupcake
milky colorful speckled with gold numbers
new: 2019
inofficial name: Fairy
milky pink purple white speckled with white numbers
new: 2019
inofficial name: Garden Fairy
milky teal purple yellow speckled with white numbers
new: 2019
inofficial name: Hikari Koi
milky purple brown light green speckled with gold numbers
new: 2019
inofficial name: Marigold
milky orange yellow white speckled with white numbers
new: 2019
inofficial name: Periwinkle
milky pink blue white speckled with black numbers
new: 2019
inofficial name: Rainbow Granite
milky black blue red green speckled with gold numbers
new: 2019

Speckled since 2014

description picture info
inofficial name: Bathory
milky, dark red speckled with white numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Berry Shortcake
milky, red speckled with dark blue numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Blood Moon
milky, red speckled with black numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Blood Spatter
milky, dark red speckled with black numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Blue Macaw
milky, light blue speckled with black numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Blue Moon
milky, light blue speckled with white numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Bubblegum
milky, pink speckled with black numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Bumblebee
milky, yellow speckled with black numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Grasshopper
milky, light green speckled with black numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Larkspur
milky, purple, pink speckled with white numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Mistletoe
milky, light green speckled with red numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Pastel Goth
milky, purple, pink speckled with black numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Pumpkin
milky, orange speckled with green numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Rosebud
milky, pink speckled with gold numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Scottish Thistle
milky, purple, pink speckled with green numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Snowcone
milky, light blue speckled with red numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Sour Apple
milky, light green speckled with white numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
inofficial name: Sour Cherry
milky, red speckled with white numbers
new: 2014
discontinued: 2019

Opaque since 2014

description picture info
bright green with white pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
bright green with black pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
white with gold pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
white with green pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
white with red pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
white with blue pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
pink with black pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
orange with black pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
white with silver pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019
pink with white pips/numbers new: 2014
discontinued: 2019

Speckled since 2007

description picture info
inofficial name: Absinthe
milky, light green speckled with green numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Berry Splash
milky, red speckled with purple numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Bloodshot
milky, red speckled with black numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Carrot Cake
milky, orange speckled with green numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Cookies & Cream
milky, black speckled with black numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Cucumber
milky, light green speckled with dark green numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Dexter
milky, red speckled with red numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Glacier
milky, blue speckled with blue numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Icebreaker
milky, blue speckled with dark blue numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Mojito
milky, green speckled with black numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Outbreak
milky, lesser red speckled with black numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Popcorn
milky, yellow speckled with red numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014
inofficial name: Strawberry Milk
milky, pink speckled with purple numbers
new: 2007
discontinued: 2014


category: Chessex