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Michael Schäffer

NoD logo d6

table of contents

  1. private informations
  2. history of my collection
  3. projects
  4. my collection
  5. contact

private informations

Some words about me. I live in germany and was born in 1980.
My hobbies are my wife, my daughter, collecting dice and computer.

history of my collection

Collecting started about 1991. That thime i only collected speckled dice from Chessex
All started with DSA (The black eye), a pen & paper rpg.
I got a speckled d20 (water) as gift from a friend.

I got some dice here and there. But collecting dice besides the speckled ones, was not so interesting
Around 2010 i started to collect different materials and shapes. A gemstone dice was the reason of this.

vitrines at 14k dice
2012 i started the Facebook group "collecting dice / Würfel sammeln", which is now the official Dice Maniacs' Club community page.
At the end of 2012 i started my database with pictures of every single die.
2013 the collection expanded to 3000 dice
2014 the collection expanded to 6000 dice
Mid 2015 over 9000 dice. There was also a tv interview on the 14.11.2015 by the SWR.
Part of it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/cC18ig4ZHnE
2016/b> the collection expanded to 10.000 dice
2017 the collection expanded to 13.000 dice
2019 the collection expanded to 20.000 dice. Second TV appearance on the 11.09.2019 in SR.
Part of it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/DwNC7isiBgo
Feb. 2020 newspaper article in Rheinpfalz (local newsletter).
2022: 30.000 dice in the collection.

dice wall™


Currently i work on projects like the DiceDB and other dice related topics.
My goal is to collect more dice of my interest. No, i don't collect EVERY die.

my collection

On my webpage the entire collection can be viewed. There is also a search and filter option.
Dice i am interested in:
My favourite dice are:
